
Visual Studio 的 C++ 项目中的一些配置的介绍 #

VC++包含目录和 C++ 附加包含目录的区别 #

c/c++ 附加包含目录,代表的是c/c++文件编译时所需要的头文件,而资源编译时也是需要附加包含库目录的,而 vc++ 的包含目录,代表的是全局项目的包含目录。配置过VC++里面的库,C/C++里面的就可以不用配置。

参考资料 #

VC包含目录和c/c 附加包含目录的区别

默认的属性文件 #

vs2017 #

  1. Microsoft.Cpp.x64.user 系统默认的属性表,全路径为 C:\Users\horswing\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.x64.user.props 项目创建后,默认有这个属性表。双击可以修改(效果与 solution explorer 项目名上右键 -> property 一致),右键选则 remove 和移除。
    • Application 表示这个项目生成的是一个“应用程序”(不是DLL或LIB)。在 Property Manger 里,这项是不能改的,所以你发现双击后,出现的页面是灰色的,右键也只有 property 选项。 在哪里改呢?
      在 solution explorer 里的 项目属性 -> gerneral -> Project Defaults -> Configuration Type.
    • Unicode Support 和 Core Windows Libraries 和 Application 项一样,这两项也是“只能看不能改的”,要改分别在 项目属性 -> gerneral -> Project Defaults 里的 Character SetUse of MFC 修改。

vs2019 #

  1. vs2019 相较于 vs2017 少了 Microsoft.Cpp.x64.user 多了 whole program optimization

参考资料 #

visual studio属性管理器(property manager)上各项的含义

多张属性表叠加 #

例如,当两张表同时定义了 “附加包含目录”,在没有选择继承的情况下,则只有后面导入的属性表的该项配置生效,如果选择了继承则同时生效(因为后一张属性表将前一张属性表的该项配置继承了,本质上还是后一张属性表的配置生效)
> Property sheets are a nice way to set up properties to projects. Each property sheet is a collection of properties for a project. One can attach arbitrarily many property sheets to each project, and the property sheets can be shared between projects. The latter feature is the essential one. >

In my solutions at least, the projects share very similar properties. Now I can create just one property sheet for the whole solution and apply that to each project. If I want to change the properties, I will do so in the property sheet.


What’s more, multiple property sheets can be layered so that the union of their properties applies. The sheets are given an order. If two sheets define the same property, then the later one takes priority.


The strategy is to give each solution a property sheet in which to configure output directories, disable warnings, and disable secure-stl etc. You will then make this property sheet part of your solution, in the sense of carrying it around in the version control.


There are also special global property sheets called Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user and Microsoft.Cpp.Win64.user which are automatically added to each configuration of each project. These will apply properties globally on your computer. If you change to another computer, these settings are lost. These property sheets are ideal for specifying include and library directories for external libraries (which are of course computer-specific). While the former works on 32-bit builds, the latter works on 64-bit builds. Of course, you will want to choose different directories for them.


A bit odd feature of the property sheets is that they won’t get save automatically when you change a property. You must either Save All, or right click on the property sheet and save it. This is unintuitive and causes unnecessary confusion from time to time.


It is useful to notice that a property sheet can be added to all projects and configuration at the same time. Simply select the desired projects or configurations and right click to add an existing property sheet. Unfortunately, it seems a given property sheet can not be removed from all projects at once.


If you need to set project-specific properties, do note that you must explicitly bring in the inherited properties. For example, in the Preprocessor definitions property, this is done by %(PreprocessorDefinitions).


There is a trap in the command-line settings. If you specify Additional Options in a project, then those will not be unioned with the additional options in the property sheets. Unless I am mistaken, it is missing a way to bring in the inherited options. Therefore, you should use the other options explicitly instead. For example, if you need a preprocessor definition, do it in the Preprocessor definitions property instead of as a /D switch in Additional Options.

参考资料 #

Property sheets in Visual Studio 2010